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Player Registration Form

Player Registration Form

This is for new players. If it's a query about joining the club click here.

Player Details

Code of Conduct:

The Club:

Penicuik Athletic Youth Football Club’s Committee, Coaches and Helpers agree to abide by the Club’s Child Protection Policies, procedures, Code of Conduct and adhere to the Bill of Rights for Young Players.

Confidential Medical Details:

Does your child suffer from any medical condition, which you think PAYFC should be made aware of? E.g. asthma. Allergies etc.

Does your child suffer from any medical condition, which you think PAYFC should be made aware of

Emergency Contact Details:

Please provide 2 contacts.

Parent/Guardian Consent

I give permission for my child to:


PAYFC subscriptions are paid on the 1st of every month by standing order of £25 per month for 4, 5, 7 and 9 aside players and £35 per month for 11 aside players. This equates to a monthly Membership Fee of £20 and £30 with an additional Player Rights Fee of £5 for each. The standing order should be set up with your bank to: PAYFC sort code 83-26-10, account no. 00671821, with reference (Child’s DOB (format ‘yyyymmdd’) )/Surname/Initial) e.g. 19920818SmithJ

We offer a £5 discount for second and subsequent players at the club.

By signing this Player Registration Form, you are agreeing to the Code of Conduct and also confirming the details entered are correct. By the Club accepting the Player Registration Form and allowing your child to play for the Club, we are agreeing to the Code of Conduct.


The Codes of Conduct, Child Protection Policies and procedures and Bill of Rights are all available on the Our Documents page of this website or can be obtained from the Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer. This registration form should be read in conjunction with these documents.

Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer - email:

Registered Charity Gift Aid Declaration

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you pay to your Player Membership Fee (£10 monthly). As a Charity, Gift Aid can be reclaimed by PAYFC from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. In order to Gift Aid your donation you must tick the box  below:

Please tick here to agree to gift aid: