Winter Jacket Scheme
As a club PAYFC is not just about football its also about teaching the children about the role they play in the local community and how they can give back to that community.
With this in mind this year, the club would like to run a winter jacket scheme. To help us with this scheme we are looking for donations of secondhand good condition winter jackets that we can then donate to a local chairty(s) who will then distribute them out to people that need them. If you think you have a jacket that you could donate to this scheme please feel free to hand it in to your coach over the next couple of weeks. (we will be accepting donations till 30th september). Once the donation window closes, we will hand these jackets over to the local charity(s). If anyone knows of a local charity that wishes to partner up with us on this scheme, please just tell them to reach out to us. On behalf of the recipients of these pre-loved winter jackets, we thank you in advance for any donations that the club receives. #givingback #localcommunity